Mirin Dajo was a Dutch performer who was widely recognized for his bizarre ability to withstand piercings without being injured.
This weird skill he often displayed awed audiences and medical communities who believed it was impossible.
Mirin Dajo was, until his death, a wonder worker, and his tricks were astonishing to watch.
Brief Biography Of Mirin Dajo
Mirin Dajo was born Arnold Gerrit Henskes on the 6th of August 1948 in Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands.
He was nicknamed Nol by his friends. Nol was known to be a very good artiste who chased a career in ‘Beaux Arts’ until the age of 33.
He was so good at drawing and sketching that he was appointed the team leader of a design bureau.
Mirin Dajo’s Death

Mirin Dajo’s autopsy after his death revealed that he had died from a rupture in an artery.
On the 11th of May 1948, Mirin performed a task he was given by his spiritual guides.
He was asked to eat a steel needle and have it removed by a doctor surgically without the use of narcosis and the doctors agreed to the procedure.
Mirin ate the steel needle and it remained in his body for 2 days as instructed. However, the process was performed under narcosis on the 13th of May 1948.
10 days after, Mirin was in the house of his assistant named De Groot and decided to lay down. His assistant presumed that he was in his usual state of meditating and so decided against disturbing him. De Groot then went to get his wife from the airport while Mirin rested and meditated.
On the return of De Groot and his wife, they found Mirin in the same position and so his pulse was checked to confirm he was still alive. Dajo still had a pulse and was left alone still.
Dajo Mirin remained in the same position the next day but was still breathing. Although strange to De Groot because Mirin had never been in a Trance for so long, he however left him alone.
However, after two days, De Groot’s wife became really worried and asked her husband to check on Mirin Dajo properly. When he did, he realized that Mirin was no longer breathing and had no pulse.
De Groot called for a medical check and the doctors pronounced Mirin Dajo dead on the 26th of May 1948. Apparently, he had been dead for approximately 12 hours.
De Groot claimed that Mirin Dajo knew his death was approaching as he told him few months before his death that he would not get to see his homeland ever.
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Here Are 7 Facts About Mirin Dajo
1. Mirin Dajo Was Part Of The Trinity
Sometime in the late 1940s, a group of performing artists called ‘Trinity’ rose to fame for their bizarre acts.
The trio was made up of Mirin Dajo who was the spectacle, his assistant known as De Groot, and a hypnotist known as Hylke Otter.
The group was known to perform for audiences mostly in clubs and pubs.
Mirin Dajo claimed that his acts were usually instructions from angels or spiritual guides. He claimed that he had three angels who would appear to him at different times and tell him what to do.
These angels were wont to visit Mirin often and were the ones who gave him instructions of what to do and when to do it.
2. Why Did He Adopt The Pseudonym ‘Mirin Dajo’?
He was born and given the name, Arnold Gerrit Henskes but decided to adopt the name ‘Mirin Dajo’ as his stage name because it carried a powerful meaning.
Mirin Dajo translates to ‘Wonderful’ or ‘Something Miraculous’ in Esperanto.
Mirin believed that who he was at the time was a result of the miraculous events he went through.
3. From Dreams To Reality
Mirin Dajo claimed to have had strange dreams which were usually accompanied by paranormal experiences.
In his dreams, he claimed to have seen his niece named Hannie and when he woke up, he realized that he had drawn a portrait of her while sleeping.
This was apparently not a one-off thing because he also drew a perfect picture of an aunt he had who lived in South Africa and he had never met nor known.
The images Mirin drew while asleep was usually the perfect representation of the people or events and it was at this point Mirin realized he had supernatural abilities.
He often slept and would wake up to his hands and sheets stained with paints and inks from his dream activity which he had no idea of nor could control. His studio space was also always left messy due to the creation of his sleep-infused art.
However, owing to the fact that Mirin was originally a great artist and sketcher, the only weird part of this discovery was that he created the arts while asleep or what he would refer to as a trance.
4. Mirin Dajo Claimed To Be Indestructible
Soon after realizing he had paranormal activities while he slept, Mirin also discovered that he was immune to pains from sharp, dangerous objects as well as piercings.
At this discovery, he quit his job as an artist and moved to Amsterdam.
He started off going to pubs and he would often offer his body for people to pierce and push sharp objects through.
His very first show was a demonstration that he could ingest objects and it would have no negative effect on him. He ate a piece of glass and half a dozen of razor blades with no qualms. He claimed those objects never left his body through the usual route.
Soon after, Mirin became a wandering performer, moving from place to place to show what he could do.
His fame rapidly spread and he was always recognized for his body piercings.
He also underwent certain practices like his body being covered in fire and ice before being pierced. Not even the fire put on his body left scars nor caused him any harm.
Mirin Dajo had been pierced by several objects which were supposed to harm him or cause some sort of adverse effect in his body but none did.
This caused a stir among doctors who called him severally and to several cities in order to examine him and see for themselves if his tricks were indeed real.
5. Argument Against His Abilities
While scientist and religious alike believe there must be some of the explanation for why and how Dajo was indestructible, there was a couple of arguments.
An argument that is drawn from Dervishes and other Muslim practices suggests that Mirin was able to do what he did due to hypnosis that put him in a trance-like state.
The theory states that he must have practiced the performance prior to its display and in a trance-like state. As a result of this, his body creates a pathway for the objects and so he is able to withstand the pain and piercing.
To further drive home this point, it is believed that Mirin gave his assistant precise instructions which had to be carried out just as said and if there was a slight mistake, it would have been fatal.
It was also speculated that those paranormal activities his body experienced while he was supposed to be asleep, was as a result of a psychological imbalance. Mirin was probably stressed out from work and all the responsibilities that came with heading a firm and deadlines to meet up to.
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6. Mirin Dajo Was Telepathic
Mirin Dajo was a lot of things while alive. He was one who could do and undo. His assistant had given several instances where Dajo did unbelievable things.
Though he was invulnerable, De Groot recalled a time Dajo broke his arm during a walk.
De Groot claimed that after the arm was broken, Mirin fixed it back by repositioning the arm and carrying on as if nothing had happened.
Also, Mirin Dajo had been praised for curing an ill man. It is said that the miracle took place in the presence of a doctor.
The sick man had gone through about 3 surgeries and was still unwell but Mirin Dajo was able to cure him of his illness and when the doctor tried to claim that what Mirin did was something he knew and was a medical practice, the patient retorted embarrassing the doctor asking why he wasn’t able to perform the act on him if it was such a common practice.
This was, however, one of the many healing miracles Dajo performed during his lifetime and it earned him the nickname of the ‘wonderman’ and his life has been compared to that of Jesus Christ in the bible.
Another instance of Dajo Mirin’s telepathic show was with his assistant, De Groot. De Groot recalled one day he was worried because he could not reach his family back home in the evening and Dajo told him not to be worried.
Dajo told him that his family was playing cards and would be at the game till 2am. He instructed De Groot to call them back by 8am the next day. De Groot did as he was told and confirmed that what Dajo had said was indeed what had happened.
Mirin Dajo also had the ability to detach from his physical body as well as become invincible.
7. Dajo Was A Preacher
As earlier stated, Mirin Dajo was a lot of things. When he initially started his performances, he claimed that he was sent to preach to the world. He was to preach the need for peace and the need to turn away from materialism.
Dajo carried on with his preaching for a long while until he had to gain a license for his performances and he was granted the clause that he performed without preaching.
Mirin was not supposed to utter any word to his audience and he was restricted to only perform at pubs and clubs.
These were the condition he had to obey in order to continue with his performances.
Therefore, Mirin Dajo had to make do with just instructing his assistant on what to do.
Prior to this condition, he would go from place to place performing and preaching different messages to all who paid attention to him.
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