Simone Biles quotes have fast become notable not only in sports or gymnastics but also for their inspirations amidst their wittiness. At the age of 28, Simone is already the most decorated gymnast of all time since 2011 when she began her elite career at the age of 14. The African-American also maintains her position as an American artistic gymnast, winning 7 Olympic medals to tie with Shannon Miller to have the most Olympic, medals won by an American female gymnast.
125 Simone Biles Quotes You Should Know
1. “Practice creates confidence, confidence empowers you”
2. “I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I’m the first Simone Biles.”
3. “For me, I don’t think about size – I focus more on being powerful and confident”.
4. “It’s not always winning. People, I think, mistake that it’s just winning. Sometimes it could be, but for me, it’s hitting the best sets I can, gaining confidence, and having a good time and having fun.”
5. “Today, do what others won’t, so tomorrow you can accomplish what others can’t”.
6. “I was built this way for a reason, so I’m going to use it.”
7. “If you aren’t committed to training, conditioning, and practice, you aren’t committed to being your best.”
8. “I’d rather regret the risk that didn’t work out than the chances I didn’t take at all.”
9. “Surround yourself with the dreamers, the doers, the believers, and thinkers, but most of all surround yourself with those who see greatness within you even when you don’t see it.”
10. “Being a gymnast means having the strength to hold on and the courage to let go.”
11. “Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take toward reaching that goal.”
12. “If anybody has a bad day, they’ll just come to my room, because they know I’ll bring out the positive in everything, or I’ll make them laugh, or I’ll be just crazy.”
13. “When I’m smiling and having fun, I perform the best.”
14. “I always say my biggest competitor is myself because, whenever I step out there on the mat, I’m competing against myself to prove that I can do this and that I am very well trained, prepared for it.”
15. “I have to focus on my mental health. We have to protect our minds and our bodies, not just go out and do what the world wants us to.”
16. “If I say, I’m the best gymnast there is, the reaction is, oh, she’s cocky.’ No, the facts are literally on paper. I’ve won five world titles.”
17. “If I thought of gymnastics as a job, it would put too much stress me.”
18. “At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day.”
19. “We can push ourselves further. We can always have more to give.”
20. “Before a big event, I usually go to church and light a candle for St. Sebastian, who is the patron saint of athletes.”
21. “In the beginning, I thought maybe I had a problem, but now I kind of look forward to therapy because it’s a safe outlet for me.”
22. “As a kid, I saw the Olympics and all the girls in college gymnastics but I never thought that I would be here and get the opportunity to compete at the Olympics.”
23. “You have to make your own luck. You make it in practice and with training and conditioning.”
24. “I just hope that kids growing up watching this don’t pr aren’t ashamed of being good at whatever they do.”
25. “I was missing out on public school and going to the football games, prom or homecomings. But I’ve been to three World Championships… so I think it’s like a win-win.”
26. “I take things one step at a time.”
27. “I plan on doing things that I can’t do because of gym right now… Things like going swimming with sharks or jumping off a cliff into water.”
28. “I try to be strong not only for other people but also myself.”
29. “Sometimes there are weaknesses in strength and that’s OK, and it’s Ok not to be Ok.”
30. “Everybody expects me to speak out, but I kind of do whenever I’m ready”.
31. “I would say to always follow your dream. And dream big because my whole career, including any of the things that I’ve accomplished, I never thought in a million years that I would be here.”
32. “There are goals that I have, and then I dream of it, and then I make it a reality. If I could crawl out of my skin and see it, it will be really amazing.”
33. “If I disappoint someone, it’s their loss for putting that expectation on me when they don’t know me. I can’t control what they want.”
34. “If they said, ‘Do five pull-ups,’ I would always want to do 10.”
35. “You don’t have to be serious all the time to do a good job.”
36. “If I still had my air awareness, and I just was having a bad day, I would have continued.”
37. “I never felt I had questions or needed answers or had a part of me that was missing.”
38. “When I was younger, I thought every kid was adopted because that’s all I’ve known. I have everything I need, so I never felt the need to have answers for what happened.”
39. “I have everything I need, so there are no blanks left unfilled.”
40. “Sometimes I hear the crowd cheering, and most of the time your body’s on autopilot, so sometimes even after I do a floor routine, I’m like, Did I really just do that?”
41. “I don’t really think about the degree of difficulty or the possibility of making a mistake. I just try to relax and let my preparation and training take over.”
42. “I feel this year gave me a voice. I tried to find my voice this year and use that to the better potential in positive manners.”
43. “The reaction of the public plays a very important role. It gives us an adrenaline boost, especially when people start to shout and clap their hands in time with the music. That really helps us to go on.”
44. “It’s inspiring to young athletes that there are more records that can still be broken.”
45. “As athletes, we’re always going to have aches and pains, but when your teammates cheer you on, you don’t think about it.”
46. “I feel like I learned the most about myself during Tokyo.”
47. “How courageous, how brave I am. Because I always like to fake bravery. But I really think that solidified me being brave, speaking up for myself and just putting myself first.”
48. “A lot of things that I would have never experienced or believed in as much … if that experience didn’t happen.”
49. “At the end of the day, people don’t understand what we are going through.”
50. “I thought I could figure it out on my own, but that’s sometimes not the case. And that’s not something you should feel guilty or ashamed of.”
51.”I wasn’t born earlier, so I had no say in that!”
52. “I don’t fear what will happen, but you just get ahead of yourself, like, ‘Oh my gosh, I wish it would happen now.'”
53. “To go out there and prove what I can do has taught me a lot about who I am.”
54. “Overthinking at night is one of my best talents.”
55. “The Bachelorette never fails to irritate me but I can’t stop watching it.”
56. “At the end of the day, they don’t know who I really am, rather than looks and what I’ve achieved.”
57. “I’m only 19. It’s kinda crazy if you’re older and putting expectations on a poor 19-year-old.”
58. “In the beginning, I would go look through the comments, and I would cry, or maybe I would comment back to some…”
59. “It doesn’t matter where you come from, it just matters where you go with it.”
60. “The team comes first.”
61. “Gymnastics chose me, and I’ve loved it ever since!”
62. “My biggest flaw is not being able to function without a nap.”
63. “I still had moments when my nerves got to me, but whenever I’d start to get anxious, Kyla Ross would remind me, ‘Simone, just do what you do in practice.'”
64. “I didn’t get the high school opportunity, but it always worked out.”
65. “I needed to learn how to carry those expectations lightly—like a turtle carries its shell.”
66. “The only problem is, when I see another gymnast perform the move now, I pray they don’t get hurt. I know it’s not logical, but because the move is named after me, I’d feel as if it was my fault.”
67. “Maybe it’s good we don’t know what will happen next in our stories because if we did, we might not turn the page. Or we might skip ahead and never experience the good that comes out of the hard moment we’re living through.”
68. “I was glad to put the whole thing behind me, because I wanted every child, regardless of race, to be able to look at my World’s win and say, I can dream big too.”
69. “The sport is called artistic gymnastics. So you do have to be a little bit of an actress.”
70. “I’d have to find a way to manage everyone’s expectations in order to keep them from making me feel overwhelmed.”
71. “I wanted them to know that following your dreams—not just in gymnastics, but in everything—shouldn’t have anything to do with the colour of your skin. It should only be about finding the discipline and the courage to do the hard work.”
72. “If you’re not having a good time, it’s okay—you don’t have to hide that from people.”
73. “You don’t have to be a robot all the time, and you don’t always have to seem happy out there.”
74. “But if there’s one thing everyone knows about me, it’s that I love a challenge.”
75. “No one is more surprised than I am that the little girl with the big muscles ended up on a path from foster care to an Olympic stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.”
76. “Sometimes I wonder how I do it. I feel like it’s just, like, not me.”
77. “…I think everybody inside is a champion themselves depending on how you handle your failures and your successes.”
78. “I kind of blow my own mind!”
79. “The best you can do is forgive yourself, take a deep breath, and get to work on the next challenge.”
80. “But the same thing that’s true in gymnastics is also true in life: You can’t go back.”
81. “More than anything in the world, I wanted to be chosen for the team.”
82. “Before you achieve, you must believe. You are more capable than you think.”
83. “Mentally, I have to get my body and mind in the right place before I state the routine, but once into the zone, it’s like I turn on a switch. I envision myself doing the same thing for the Olympic Games.”
84. “I love gymnastics but it’s what I do, not who I am as a person.”
85. “If I’ve learned anything over these past few months, it’s that it’s ok to take a step back from everything to take care of yourself.”
86. “I’ve always been passionate about empowering young kids”
87. “I’ve pushed through so much the past couple of years, the word quitter is not in my vocabulary.”
88. “…I’m more than my accomplishments and gymnastics which I never truly believed before.”
89. “My parents have always taught me to strive to perfection.”
90. “In the morning, I usually get up between 7:40 A.M and 7:45 A.M, and then I’ll brush my teeth, do my hair, and just throw on my leotard and my clothes and go to the kitchen.”
91. “Be the best me.”
92. Everything I do is in the gym so I’m always in gym clothes.”
93. “I’m excited to explore lifestyle clothes for a little bit.”
94. “It doesn’t matter what others say. It’s my body and it does incredible things.”
95. “Being a gymnast means having the strength to hold on and the courage to let go.”
96. “so far, my goals stop at making an Olympic team, and then if that happens, then I’ll jot down more goals.”
97. “I know you’re missing what was supposed to be your medal ceremony but that… doesn’t change a thing. You’ve already won.”
See Also: Chloe Cluchey: 7 Interesting Facts You Should Know About The Gymnast
98. …let’s celebrate that. Let’s celebrate all the hard work it took to get here. We are so proud of what you’ve accomplished.”
99. “I know people think I’m taller because it’s so close and I look stretched out, but I’m just 4.8.”
100. “No matter how good you are in your sport, in life, in work, the number one thing people talk about is how you look.”
101. “I think I’m teaching my teammates that they can still be successful while having fun and enjoying the moment rather than being a stone-cold brick.”
102. “My first experience with gymnastics was when I was in daycare. We took a field trip to a gym, and I was hooked.”
103. “I’m not a celebrity. I’m just the same, Simone. I just have two Olympic Gold medals now.”
104. “I’m out to prove what I’m capable of.”
105. “I almost think you forget how much work you have to put into it until you’re there.”
106. “It doesn’t matter where you start, it’s where you’re going and how you pick yourself back up from those falls. Dream big and then dream bigger after that. You never know where your dream will take.”
107. “As athletes, we’re always going to have aches and pains, but when your teammates cheer you on, you don’t think about it.”
108. Sometimes I think of that and I’m like, Simone, I don’t know what else you can do. What more can you do? Maybe you can repeat yourself.” I’ll take time off, get out more, go outside more, vacation.”
109. I’ve learned it’s OK to ask for help if you need it.”
110. I thought I could figure it out on my own, but that’s sometimes not the case. And that’s not something you should feel guilty or ashamed of.”
111. “I got to go through being angry, sad, upset, happy, annoyed.”
112. “I got to go through all of it by myself, without anybody telling me what to feel.”
113. “Now it’s like everything’s coming together.”
114. “I’ve definitely gotten better at doing my hair, but clearly I’m not gifted in that department. I’m just really trying to find who I am.”
115. “I wanted to give up but it would have been dumb because I’ve worked way too hard.”
116. “Once I got over that fact, I actually enjoyed it and looked forward to going to therapy. It’s a safe space.”
117. “You’re still going to thrive. You’re going to become somebody amazing and great. You guys are all beautiful, inside and out.”
118. “They focused on my hair. They focused on how big my legs or these calves, I wouldn’t be able to tumble as high as I can and have all of these moves named after me.”
119. “Growing up, I didn’t see very many black gymnasts so whenever I did, I felt really inspired to go out there and want to be as good as them.”
120. “One of my proudest moments was probably 2013 worlds because I proved to myself that I could do things that I didn’t think I could.”
121. “I guess I just have really tough skin.”
122. “I make breakfast, which is usually Kellog’s Red Berries or egg whites, and then I go to the gym that’s only 10 minutes away.”
123. “I never thought about competing in the Olympic Games when I was growing up.”
124. “But it’s hard that I have to go through it because again people form their own opinions and I don’t really get to say what’s going on.”
125. “To go through something like that and to be a voice for all of the survivors and people who want to come forward and talk about their stories, it’s really inspiring.”
Some Facts You Should Know About Simone Biles
- She was born on March 14, 1997, in Columbus, Ohio, United States.
- As of the time of this writing in 2021, Biles has the most medals a gymnast has. She has 25 medals and 19 gold medals.
- She was allegedly sexually assaulted by USA gymnastic physician Larry Nassar, D.O.
- She has 3 siblings and when her mother could not care for them all, Simone Biles and her siblings ended up in foster care.
- Bile’s alongside her younger sibling was adopted by her maternal grandfather and his wife, Ron, and Nellie Biles.
Simone Biles and her parents (Image source) - She opted to be homeschooled to allow herself to train about 20 to 32 hours a week.
- Biles is dating Jonathan Owens an NFL player.
- 4 gymnastics elements have been named after Simone Biles. They include the Biles vault, Biles Yurchenko double pike, Biles balance beam, and a Bile floor exercise of a double layout with a half twist.
- Simone Biles had suffered from depression and had to undergo therapy.
- Her net worth has been estimated at above $1 million.
Complete profile of Simone Biles
Simone Biles | |
Full Name | Simone Arianne Biles |
Date of Birth | 14 March 1997 |
Age | 28 year-old |
Zodiac Sign | Pisces |
Birth place | Columbus, Ohio, United States |
Nationality | American |
Ethnicity | African-American |
Education | University of the People |
Profession | Professional Gymnast |
Father | Ronald Biles |
Mother | Nellie Biles |
Siblings | Ron Biles Jr., Ashley Biles Thomas, Adria Biles, Adam Biles |
Marital Status | Single |
Spouse/Partner | NA |
Boyfriend | Jonathan Owens |
Kids | NA |
Religion | Christian |
Estimated Net Worth: | Above $1million |
Source of net worth | Gymnastic career |
Height | 4feet8inches(1.42 m) |
Weight | 47 kg |
Eye color | Black |
Hair color | Black |
Social media | Instagram |
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